London Day 1: Walking the City

After long hours in an airport, a plane, and a bus, my first moments out and about in the city of London were wonderful.

On our bus ride from Heathrow to our hotel on London’s east end, I got a good orientation of what everything was like, but I was itching to just get out and see the city from its sidewalks. Finally, after resting up, our whole group set out on a walk that led us around The City, London’s financial district, which led us to sights such as the Tower Bridge, a glimpse at the Tower of London (which we’ll visit soon), and St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Tower Bridge on the Thames River


St. Paul’s Cathedral with an iconic telephone booth.


The City truly feels like a city. We were warned early on that traffic does not stop for pedestrians or have sympathy for jaywalkers, and saw that as we were out walking. One after the other, red double-decker buses were speeding down the narrow streets. Even still, people heading home from work talked on cell phones and crossed streets with little regard for traffic. It was a little odd to see so much hustle and bustle amidst the elegant buildings that surrounded the streets.

Although I enjoyed the walking, our group of jet-lagged and hungry college students then headed to The Minories, a pub where I had my first taste of English pie.  

Tomorrow we’ll head on one of the parts of the trip I’m most excited for — a tour of the BBC Broadcasting House.

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